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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Intel Core i5 dan i7 Lynnfield Siap Diumbar di Indonesia


Kabar mengenai kelahiran Intel Core i5 dan Core 17 Lynnfield makin nyaring terdengar. Kedua prosesor itu pun menjadi perbincangan karena performa dan harga yang dimilikinya.

Jangan khawatir, pengguna komputer Indonesia tak hanya akan menjadi penonton. Sebab, Intel siap akan angkat bicara mengenai ketersediaan kedua produk barunya tersebut bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

Berbeda dengan seri terdahulu, baik core i5 ataupun Core i7 Lynnfield memiliki spesifikasi yang berbeda. Sebut saja dukungan three channel memory controller yang dihilangkan, lalu kedua prosesor tersebut juga hadir dalam socket baru yakni pada socket LGA 1156.

Lewat kepanjangan tangannya di Indonesia, Intel siap buka-bukaan mengenai detail prosesor yang banyak ditunggu oleh para penggila komputer, baik untuk spesifikasi yang ditawarkan, ketersediaan, hingga kisaran harga yang akan diberikan di Indonesia.

Kingston Sambut Core i5 dengan Memori 2133 MHz


Jajaran prosesor terbaru Intel, Core i5 dan Core i7 Lynnfield, segera mendapatkan sambutan dari produsen perangkat pendukung. Kingston, misalnya, langsung menyambut dengan memori 2133 MHz.

Komponen pendukung Core i5 dan Core i7 itu adalah Kingston HyperX 2133 MHz. Paket memory kit Kingston XMP 4GB dual-channel pun jadi jagoan Kingston untuk dipasangkan dalam sistem berbasis Core i5 bagi pengguna yang gemar overclock.

Ada beberapa frekuensi HyperX terbaru yang diperkenalkan Kingston, yaitu mulai dari 1333 MHz, 1600 MHz, 2000 MHz dan 2333 MHz. Memori yang bekerja pada 1.65 volts ini tersedia dalam bentuk 4GB kit.

Kingston pun mengaku sedang menyiapkan paket 8GB kit untuk frekuensi 1333 MHZ dan 16000 MHz. Rencananya, memori yang akan optimal untuk sistem 64-bit ini akan muncul akhir September.

Ann Bai, DRAM Sales Director, APAC Region, Kingston, mengatakan pengguna pada umumnya akan lebih cocok jika memilih memori pada frekuensi 1600 MHz. "Module 2133MHz dirancang untuk kalangan benchmarkers dan overclockers, sedangkan frekuensi 1600MHz adalah pilihan terbaik bagi kalangan mainstream yang ingin membangun sistemnya sendiri dengan menggunakan motherboard P55 dan prosesor 1156-pin," ujarnya.

Intel secara serempak telah mengumumkan ketersediaan prosesor Core i7 terbaru, yang berbasis arsitektur Lynnfield, dan Core i5. Kedua anggota keluarga baru mikroprosesor Intel itu dapat digunakan pada motherboard dengan socket 1156 dan chipset P55.

N97 Mini Hadir Akhir 2009


Satu dari tiga jagoan baru Nokia, yakni N97 Mini tak akan langsung masuk Indonesia setelah diperkenalkan untuk pertama kali di ajang Nokia World di Stuttgart, Jerman beberapa waktu lalu.

Regina Hutama Poli, Corporate Communications Manager Nokia Indonesia memastikan bahwa ponsel mungil ini paling cepat baru akan hadir di Tanah Air pada kuartal 4 atau akhir tahun 2009. "Tapi paling telat di awal tahun 2010," ujarnya kepada detikINET, Selasa (8/9/2009).

N97 Mini merupakan suksesor dari 'sang kakak, N97. Meski berukuran lebih kecil, produk ini tetap powerful. Diperkuat dengan sistem operasi Symbian S60 5th Edition, ponsel ini dilengkapi Wi Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, 3G, FM transmitter dan kamera 5 megapiksel.

Dari sisi eksterior, N97 Mini dipercantik dengan layar sentuh berukuran 3,2 inch serta keyboard QWERTY sliding. Handset ini juga menjadi ponsel Nokia pertama yang terintegrasi lebih erat dengan Facebook.

Nokia telah sepakat dengan Facebook agar pengguna bisa update lokasi dan status secara langsung melalui account Nokia Ovi.

Meski berukuran mini, tapi bukan berarti harga yang dipatok Nokia atas ponsel ini ikut-ikutan minim. Pengguna butuh 450 euro atau sekitar US$ 645 dolar untuk bisa membawa pulang N97 Mini. Hanya sedikit lebih murah rasanya dengan N97 yang di Indonesia dipatok di kisaran Rp 8 jutaan.

Nokia E52 Buat Genggaman Profesional


Desain futuristik tampak dari ponsel Nokia seri E terbaru, E52. Lihat saja body-nya yang tipis dan menajam seperti mata pisau di bagian bawah. Apalagi dengan pilihan balutan warna metal abu-abu metalik atau emas mengilap.

Tampilan yang terkesan premium juga didukung fungsional yang maksimal terutama untuk kebutuhan profesional. Secara fisik, ponsel ini juga pas di genggaman tangan dengan bentuk bar berdimensi 116 x 49 x 9.9 mm dan berat 98 gram. Beda dengan seri E lainnya yang berbentuk QWERTY yang tentu susah digenggam. Badannya terlihat kokoh karena casingnya dari bahan logam.

Waktu bicaranya saja 8 jam alias cukup untuk seharian meski buat menelepon tanpa putus. Juga sudah dilengkapi teknologi peredam kebisingan untuk kualitas bicara yang baik.

Selain itu, pengelolaan email juga dimudahkan. Ada tombol langsung (shortcut) di luar. Perangkat ini mendukung protokol IMAP4 (dengan idle), Nokia Messaging, Microsoft ActiveSync, POP3, dan SMTP. Juga Mail for Exchange, Lotus Notes Traveller, dan account multi-email simultan antara email bisnis dan email pribadi. Mau Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, atau Gmail bisa diakomodasi.

Tombol shortcut juga tersedia untuk kalender. Dengan demikian, pengecekan dan penambahan agenda seperti meeting dan pertemuan bisa segera dilakukan tanpa masuk menu.

Koneksi internet juga lebar dengan pilihan bisa dilakukan dengan WiFI hingga HSDPA/HSUPA yang di atas kemampuan 3G. Untuk akses file antarponsel juga tersedia bluetooth. Fitur lainnya kamera 3,2 megapiksel, A-GPS, dan musik player. Dalam paket pembelian sudah termasuk memori microSD 1 GB yang bisa ditambah sampai 16 GB.

Dengan fitur profesional seperti itu, W52 dibanderol harga Rp 3,5 juta.

Hadirkan e-book Reader Senyaman Buku


Membaca e-book bakal senyaman membaca buku konvensional dengan konsep baru yang diperkenalkan Asus. Vendor elektronika asal Taiwan itu membuat e-book reader dengan dua muka layar seperti layaknya tampilan sebuah buku. Layarnya pun seukuran buku tulis standar.

Dua layar yang bersisian itu bisa difungsikan untuk membaca sebuah e-book untuk menampilkan dua halamn berurutan. Bisa juga difungsikan terpisah. Salah satu untuk membaca buku dan layar lainnya untuk mengakses internet atau menampilkan keyboard virtual untuk mengetik.

Asus menyatakan perangkat tersebut memang didesain lebih multiguna dan fungsional daripada e-book reader yang beredar di pasaran seperti Sony e-Reader maupun Amazon Kindle. Perangkat ini tak sekedar e-book reader tapi juga bisa berfungsi layaknya netbook atau notebook dengan gaya berbeda. Bahkan, Asus menytakan akan melengkapinya dengan webcam, speaker, dan mikrofon untuk melakukan telepon internet. Kapasitas memorinya cukup untuk menyimpan ratusan buku digital dan menampilkan kualitas teks yang jauh kebih jelas daripada LCD laptop umumnya.

"Etos kami adalah inovasi. Karena merek kami belum begitu dikenal, kami harus mengejar lebih cepat dari kompetitor dengan mengembangkan jensi-jenis produk baru," demikian pernyataan Asus seperti dilansir Times Online, Minggu (6/9).

Tak hanya inovatif, produk yang akan diberi nama Eee Reader ini juga akan dirilis dengan harga miring meski Asus juga berencana menyediakan versi premium yang lebih mahal. Harganya akan dibanderol sekitar 100 Euro atau sekitar Rp 1,5 juta. Eee Reader dijanjikan akan tersedia mulai akhir tahun ini.

BISLITE, Layanan BlackBerry Lebih Terjangkau


Sebagai sebuah perangkat yang didesain untuk menghubungkan penggunanya ke dunia maya selama 24 jam non-stop, BlackBerry melengkapi perangkatnya dengan layanan internet khusus yang operasionalnya diserahkan ke masing-masing operator seluler di setiap negara. Layanan yang dikenal dengan nama BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) ini biasanya dijual dengan tarif bulanan sehingga pengguna tidak lagi direpotkan dengan beban data akses internet.

Tapi masalahnya, banyak yang berasumsi bahwa tarif layanan internet untuk BlackBerry ini masih belum bersahabat. Tarifnya yang berada di atas kisaran seratus ribu rupiah dianggap belum bisa menjangkau semua segmen pengguna BlackBerry yang saat ini melebar tidak hanya di kalangan pebisnis dan eksekutif kantoran tapi juga mewabah di level pekerja biasa, mahasiswa, pelajar juga ibu-ibu rumah tangga.

Merespon keluhan tersebut, banyak operator seluler yang berfikir keras memberikan jalan keluar agar layanan BIS bisa dinikmati oleh semakin banyak orang. Tentu harus dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau tapi tetap mempertahankan kualitas layanan.

Salah satu yang telah menawarkan solusi hemat ngebeib adalah Indosat yang pada akhir Agustus lalu meluncurkan produk terbaru BISLITE untuk para pelanggan Indosat. Tarif bulanannya cukup terjangkau, yaitu hanya Rp. 50.000 (untuk kartu Matrix) dan Rp. 55.000 (untuk Matrix Auto, Mentari dan IM3).

Dengan paket BISLITE, pelanggan bisa chatting dan akses email tanpa batas. Paket ini bahkan bisa digunakan hingga 10 account surel di Yahoo! atau Gmail. Bedanya dengan paket BIS standar adalah layanan ini tak bisa digunakan untuk browsing internet. Layanan BlackBerry Mail & Chatting Service Indosat ini baru bisa digunakan oleh pelanggan Matrix, Mentari dan IM3 mulai 30 Agustus 2009.

Layanan ini sengaja dihadirkan untuk pelanggan yang ingin menghemat budget dan tetap produktif dalam menjalankan kegiatan sehari-hari, termasuk chatting dan akses e-mail di mana dan kapan saja.

BISLITE merupakan pengembangan dari paket BlackBerry On Demand milik Indosat. Sebelumnya, Indosat juga sudah mengeluarkan paket berlangganan harian untuk pengguna kartu pra bayar sebesar Rp. 5.000.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Access Gmail with Outlook 2002 or Outlook 2003 Using IMAP

You can use outlook for downloading you email now, you dont need to use browser to read your email. This is one way to read from outlook and only need an internet connection, you can enjoy read all email from gmail account to your computer.

Please follow this steps:

-Make sure IMAP access is enabled in Gmail.

-Select Tools | E-mail Accounts… from the menu.

-Make sure Add a new e-mail account is selected.

-Click Next >.

-Choose IMAP.

-Click Next >.

-Type your name under Your Name:.

-Enter your Gmail email address in the E-mail Address: field.

-Make sure your Gmail user name is listed in the User Name: field.

-Your user name is what precedes “” in your Gmail address. If your address is “”, for example, use “asdf.asdf”.

-Enter your Gmail password under Password:.

-Type “” under Incoming mail server (IMAP):.

-Type “” in the Outgoing mail server (SMTP): field.

-Click More Settings ….

-Go to the Outgoing Server tab.

-Make sure My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication is checked.

-Leave the default of Use the same settings as my incoming mail server intact.

-Now go to the Advanced tab.

-Make sure This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL) is checked under both Incoming server (IMAP): and Outgoing server (SMTP):.

-Make sure “993″ appears under Server Port Numbers for Incoming Server (IMAP):.

-Enter “465″ under Server Port Numbers for Outgoing server (SMTP):.

-Click OK.

-Now click Next > and then Finish.

Can you do that? That is easy way and I am sure you will enjoy it and succesfull to all steps.

Happy nice day.

Access Gmail with Outlook 2002 or Outlook 2003 Using POP3

This is other way to setting your gmail account with with POP3. This is so easy and amazing. I hope you enjoy and be happy with this article, and make your online activity more fun.

Please follow this steps:

1. Make sure POP access is turned on for your Gmail account.
2. Select Tools | E-mail Accounts… from the menu in Outlook.
3. Make sure Add a new e-mail account is selected.
4. Click Next >.
5. Choose POP3 as the Server Type.
6. Click Next >.
7. Enter your Gmail account details in the Internet E-mail Settings (POP3) dialog:

8. Type your full name under Your Name:.
9. Type your Gmail email address under E-mail Address:.
10. Type your full Gmail address under User Name: as well.
11. Type your Gmail password under Password:.
12. Type under Incoming mail server (POP3):.
13. Type under Outgoing mail server (SMTP):.
14. Click More Settings….
15. Go to the Outgoing Server tab.
16. Make sure My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication is checked.

17. Leave Use same settings as my incoming mail server selected.
18. Go to the Advanced tab.
19. Make sure This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL) is checked under both Incoming server (POP3): and Outgoing server (SMTP):.
Type 465 under Outgoing server (SMTP):

20. If the number under Incoming server (POP3): has not been changed to 995 automatically, enter 995 there.
21. Click OK.
22. Click Next >.
23. Click Finish.

Try to connect by your setting, if you get successfull word that is usefull.

Great for you.

Friday, June 12, 2009

CDMA EVDO-WiFi Router Hawawei -E1000

This may be that you need. You can share your CDMA EVDO connection to router and acces internet to around of you.

The EVDO-WiFi Router (Hawawei-E1000) lets you create your own WiFi hotspot via 3G (EVDO) network at families, small offices, home offices (SOHO), vehicles, and anywhere.

It is designed to provide a more cost-effective solution than deploying a new cablevision modem or ADSL modem. And its easy installation and maintenance can help 3G operators get fast return.

You just need to insert an EVDO UIM card into the socket on the router's rear side, and then each WiFi-enabled device (such as a notebook, desktop PC, PDA, game console, cell phone, MP3 player) can connect to the Internet when within the range of the router. The router can support 20 to 30 users.


Fast installation : without special professional skill;
Seldom maintenance requirement;
Multi-function : 3G modem, WiFi router, LAN switch;
Portable : easy for office re-arrangement.


Suited for the places where EVDO network is available:
Coffee shops, lounge bars, hotels, restaurants;
Sports area and recreation centers, like bowling, billiards...;
Homes, apartments, enterprises in need of Internet sharing;
Small offices, SOHO;
Exhibition and convention sites;
Beaches, gardens, swimming pools...;
Mobile vehicles (trains, ships, buses, RVs, etc.)


Supported Frequency Band :800/1900 MHz
Data Speed Download : 2.4Mbps / Upload: 1.8Mbps
Interface Power interface : AC220V±15% to DC 12V/1A
Ethernet interface for LAN : RJ45
2 antennas for 3G & WiFi (2.4GHz) respectively : SMA connector
1 ejectable UIM slot and 2 USB ports
5 LED indicators : Power, 3G, WiFi, LAN and running status
WiFi Module :Support IEEE 802.11b/g
Function :Support user-friendly Web-based GUI
Firmware upgradeable via browser
Logs for traffic & events
Auto reconnect
Dial on demand
Bridge between LAN and WLAN
DHCP server
DNS relay
IP port forwarding
DMZ support
Casing Optimized electromagnetic compatibility and heat extraction performance
Security WiFi Protected Access™ (WPA/WPA2 Personal), WEP, wireless MAC filtering, Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, internet policy

Temperature Range :Operation: -25°C ~ +55°C / Storage: -30°C ~ +60°C
Relative Humidity Range ≤ 95% (non condensing)
Dimensions :140mm X 125mm X 40mm (not including antennas)
Weight :310 g
Packing Dimensions :260mm x 190mm x 64mm
Packing Weight :730 g
Accessories :AC/DC adaptor, 1.5m USB cable, 1.5m CAT-5
Ethernet cable

Warranty Period 1 month

Thursday, June 11, 2009

J132 Sony Ericssson

Radio is probably the only entertainment that we can andalkan in J132 Sony Ericssson. As usual, this requires that we be the headset. Interestingly, the colokan headset jack 3.5 mm. This lets us use a headset other, more solid in your ear. We, for example, prefer to wear the headset is great as we are used to life in a PC.

Separation from the headset jack mini USB port for the charger can also make us still continue to listen in while the phone is being recharge Battery. Although the mini USB port and 3.5 mm jack on the bottom of the body are, for us, do not disrupt each other.

Speaker still placed behind the body, exactly in the top left. Sound was not loud, very loud, but it is important that clear. Because there is no volume button, we are forced to use top-down navigation to control the sound. Left-right navigation is used to change the channel.

O ya, setting standards that are available: Search, Presets, Manual search, Minimise, Turn in speaker, and Turn off the AF. Signal for the interesting, we can use to Radio Alarm. Penyetelannya from Extras> Alarm clock> Set alarm> alarm signal, and select Radio.

Flashlights and Other Facilities
This turns the phone can be used as an emergency flashlight. Go to Extras, select Torch. Direct display of white-and-akan-and-such a brilliant during our membiarkannya.

Games Sony Ericsson that looks a little different with the usual we see: a Minesweeper and Edacious snake. Signal features Birthdays also find, in addition to Calendar and Reminders.

J132 camera does not provide facilities. For some people may feel less akan nendang. Hare gene motret I can?

J132 minimalist look. Signal only see a mini USB port and 3.5 mm jack on the bottom of the body. In addition, net of body accessories.

Texturized casing behind a straight line lengthwise from top to bottom. Signal demo units that received in front of the gray and white on the back.

The size of the relatively tiny body feels comfortable be. The distance between the rather distant key, plus based on the rather too soft, squeeze-click event so well. The navigation key 4-way radio to be shortcuts (up, bertulisan FM), Contacts (bottom, open book), Write message (left, envelope), Alarm (right, bell). Presumably because the shortcuts are permanent Signal did not find the setting to change it.

Simple mobile phone to take a radio.

Source: Signal

PLUS: Radio, flashlight.

Minus: There is no camera.

SPECIFICATION Sony Ericsson J132
Network: GSM 900/1800 MHz
Forms: Bars
Dimensions: 103x45x15mm
Weight: 76 grams
Battery: Li-ion 3.6 V 930mAh BST-42
Standby time: average of 7 days
Talk time: an average of 7 hours
Display: CSTN, 128x128, 65 thousand color
Internal Memory: 4MB
Additional memory: --
Connectivity between peranti: --
Internet Connectivity: GPRS
Camera: --
Ringtones: Poly
Phonebook: 300 entries
Messaging: SMS
Applications: Alarm clock, Reminders, Birthdays, Calendar, Timer, Stopwatch, Calculator, Games (Minesweeper, Edacious snake), Torch, Radio
The contents of the package: Charger, headset, manual

POP Yahoo! Mail Plus with Microsoft Outlook Express

Here's how to "POP" mail from Yahoo! Mail Plus into your Outlook Express:
From the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."
Select the "Mail" tab.
Click the "Add" button.
From the Add menu, click "Mail."
In the text box labeled Display Name, type your name and click "Next."
In the Email Address box, type your Yahoo! Mail address (be sure to include "") and click "Next."
Under "My incoming mail server is a…" select "POP3."
Type "" in the Incoming Mail (POP3, IMAP, or HTTP) Server box.
Type "" in the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server box.
Click "Next."
In the Account Name box, type your Yahoo! Mail ID (your email address without the "").
In the Password box, type your Yahoo! Mail password.
If you want Outlook Express to remember your password, check the "Remember password" box.
Do not check the boxes labeled "Log on using Secure…"
Click "Next."
Click "Finish."
Select '' under 'Account,' and click 'Properties.'
Click the “Servers” tab.
Under “Outgoing Mail Server” check the box next to “My server requires authentication”
Click the 'Advanced' tab.
Under “Outgoing mail Server (SMTP)”, check the box next to “This server requires a secure connection (SSL). Enter port number “465” in the “Outgoing mail (SMTP)” field.
Under “Incoming mail (POP3)”, check the box next to “This server requires a secure connection (SSL)". The port number in the “Incoming mail (POP3)" field should automatically change from 110 to 995. If it doesn’t, make sure the port number is set to 995.

Troubleshooting instructions.

If you followed the above configuration steps, you should be all set. However, if you cannot send or receive mail with your email client, try the following tips.

The Yahoo! Mail SMTP server requires authentication. Make sure you have enabled SMTP authentication. To turn this setting on:
From the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."
Select the "Mail" tab.
Double-click the account labeled ""
Select the "Servers" tab.
Check the box next to "My Server Requires Authentication."
Click "OK."

To control deletion of messages from the Yahoo! Mail Server:
From the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."
Select the "Mail" tab.
Double-click the account labeled ""
Select the "Advanced" tab.
In the Delivery section at the bottom of the window, check "Leave a copy of messages on server" if you want to save your Yahoo! Mail messages on the Yahoo! Mail server as well as on your local computer. Do not check this box if you want your messages to be deleted from the Yahoo! Mail server once you have received them in Outlook Express.

We strongly recommend that you enable SSL for both POP and SMTP, as detailed in the above instructions. This will ensure that your Yahoo! ID, password and email messages are transmitted securely between your mail client and the Yahoo! servers. However, if you choose to not use SSL for SMTP, your email client will likely default the SMTP port to 25. If your ISP blocks port 25 or if you're unable to send email, then you will need to use port 587 when sending via Yahoo!'s SMTP server. To make this change, please follow the directions below.

From the "Tools" menu, select "Accounts"
Select your Yahoo! POP account and click on the "Properties" button
Click on the "Advanced" tab
Next to "Outgoing server (SMTP), change port 25 to 587
Click "Apply", then click "OK" and "Close"

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Get Your Style With Netbook Tablet, 3G Zyrex

Netbook downpours digelontor to the Indonesian market vendor, but Zyrex sure their products will get a niche market that is quite significant. The Wakatobi 963 Mini netbook that so-called by-Zyrex netbook is the first show with the tablet PC concept.

Affordable, convertible,” the theme that carried the mini berdimensi 241.4 x181, 4×27, 7mm this. The price is quite affordable, which is only Rp 4.999 million. This is not separated from the commitment Zyrex, clear Rendy Mulyono (Marketing Manager, Zyrexindo Mandiri Buana, ie, the products with high price.

Actually this is the 963 series of development Wakatobi Mini tablets 12.1-inch notebook that already exists. Format netbook Zyrex deliberately chosen because of public interest to see so much to have a light, tiny, but strong enough to run basic applications. “Wakatobi is also to bridge the desires and needs of the device will measure 12 inches with the ability such as PDAs,” said Rendy.

Mini 963 users who need an application that is touch-optimized, such as in education, health, and finance. Arya Sanjaya (Business Development Manager, Intel Australia) rate products that are designed primarily for the education of this fit with the direction of education in Indonesia. “Direction is towards IT-based learning or e-learning,” added Arya.

Technical specifications of Wakatobi Mini 983 should be considered. He has adopted the technology from Intel teranyar: Hi-K. Supported Intel Atom processor N270, the 1.21 kg weight is able to survive until about 4 hours. RAM is also quite large, which is 1GB, but harddisknya 60GB only. Screen 8.9 inches (wide) can be rotated 180o, as well as with 1.3 MP CMOS camera installed there.

Other interesting things, Wakatobi Mini does not require special operating system tablet. Enough with Windows XP Home, but ditambahi applications for hand writing recognition feature and auto re-orientation.

In addition to Wakatobi Mini 963, Zyrex also released other unique products, namely Bee103G. Device-based Intel Atom processor N270 planted this built-in modem to connect to 3G network (EDGE / HSDPA). With this device users are expected to have the option of more affordable – it costs Rp 5.499 million – to be connected to the internet without the fuss involve an external modem.

BlackBerry Curve 8900

Blackberry Curve series ketambahan family members with the presence of a new BlackBerry Curve 8900, or more familiarly called the Javelin. Ditilik of design,

Curve 8900 inherited the typical face Curve 8300. But overall, the appearance style Bold. Note the only black mengilat and a touch of chrome garnish bodinya. How easy is to imagine menggambarkannya Bold edge body style with the Nokia E71.

If may be subjective, we Curve 8900 Blackberry is one of the most fit for us. Pas in the sense of freely entered into a pocket, but not too small which makes it ‘does not feel’. Bobotnya that about 110 grams also feels fit: not too soft, is also not too heavy. The point, pas deh.

2.4-inch screen size beresolusi HVGA + (480×360) be calculated higher than the other series that have made BlackBerry Rim. Although not a touch screen, screen looks bright and sharp, even when we roast in the middle of the sun blazing down.

L ike other BlackBerry type bar, the Javelin track ball for navigation. We only take a moment to get the ball away to move the cursor. Qwerty keyboard, of course, so are still Javelin as a predictive tool. But somehow we need a little time to get one finger gempal that we do not slip squeeze button. Keyboard-arranged its own 4 lines, including the key space.

From side port, Javelin memisahkan fungsi headset dari port charger/transfer data dengan menambahkan jack 3.5mm. This means we can use if you want an alternative to the headset the sound quality is more clear. But we have enough terbuai with quality sound from the headset default, so it seems you do not need to be bothered to buy another headset. While we find an external speaker sweep under the camera lens and lighting. Sound can be tuned to maximum loud and clear sound bearable.

Javelin use 512MHz processor speed. Not the fastest in the market, but still able to handle the needs of various applications that run. Needs for data storage, available memory and 256MB of internal memory slot microSD / SDHC to support up to 16GB. However, it should be noted that few will be bothered to change the memory card as the location behind the casing. In the unit we received, the slot is filled with a 1GB card.

J avelin has a 3.2MP camera beresolusi like most smart peranti in the market. It’s flash, but there is no mirror. The camera button on the right body, the volume buttons and charger port. Ngomong-ngomong, the key fact can be re-used as shortcuts to other applications.

Be pitied rather from the Javelin is not support 3G. But at least there are still facilities Wi-Fi (802.11 b / g), which can be used as an alternative Internet connection. In addition, the facilities available using the GPS map BlackBerry Maps made Tele Atlas and Google Maps as assistants. Be regarded a good accuracy, although we have to note that sometimes the connection to the satellite feels slow.

As a business peranti, Javelin has a lot of job applications. We will find many applications as well as the management of personal documents. Do not forget to BlackBerry enterprise solutions. One of the services that we are familiar in the ears is the BlackBerry push mail. In the demo unit we received, we even see the rim include easy access to social networking sites like Facebook in row applications.

In Indonesia, the BlackBerry so idol. No wonder attendance or Javelin Curve 8900 dinanti the gadget lovers. We own the design of the Javelin and elegant feel in the hands of the pas, but unfortunately not support 3G. However, if the internet connection is not fast priority, Blackberry Curve 8900 is a feasible option Dilirik. Moreover, BB has guaranteed the latest up your style

Beatifull Canon Powershot A470

Similarly, the relatively good performance is not always berbandrol expensive. One of them is the Canon Powershot A470 camera which includes this point and shot. Some of the features that are usually on the expensive camera in the camera, among others, introduction of facial features (face recognition) and the object features penjejak movement (movement detection). The first feature is used to help focus the shot on the face of the object and give it the ideal lighting. Meanwhile, both useful features to prevent the fading due to recording the object moving on.

The form of the Canon Powershot A470 does not seem to not be able stylish disamarkan with color variations from the camera body blue, red, orange, and gray. However, we benefit from this lack, the steady hand grip and kokohnya time zero. The zoom button on the camera’s point-camera-shot Canon and other ordinary twine or placed adjacent to the recorder button, the Canon Powershot A470 is placed on the LCD screen. This reduces the speed when we set the framing through zooming. We also deplore absennya features image stabilizer on this camera, both the work optis the lens and the digital work on the light sensor.

Kekurangannya behind in terms of aesthetic form and button control ergonomika, Canon Powershot A470’s performance shows that the focus is accurate and responsive during our testing. Work lights that have a focus on the lens (at the bottom of the flash) to help work the lens when the object of our memfokus viewfinder in available light conditions (light scratch). Detail and texture of the object is recorded by both Canon Powershot A470.

About the quality of the recorded color, Canon Powershot A470 color nuances give the recording a little cold. In the bright sun light conditions, if you want to give feel of warm colors, However we set the color balance to the position Cloudy. In general, the colors are solid, especially red and blue we get on the ISO / ASA low (80 or 100).

We found a good performance in terms of macro photography. Details of the object is small viewfinder of our very close distance recorded clear and sharp. Super Macro function allows shooting from the 1 cm distance to the object. This feature is capable of pressing the perspective distortion when we use to print photographs or documents recording layer computer monitor.

We noted, SHUTTER lag time or time delay between the record and the key emphasis is the process of recording images by a light sensor relative small, ie about 0.5 seconds under the condition of bright days. Meanwhile, in the case of inter-cycle time frame record, Canon Powershot A470 is the number of 1.5 seconds. Unfortunately, when we attempt to use the assistance of the flash, the time frame between the cycle record melorot to about 4 seconds.

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Asus P565 More Power And More Fast

If be thought, to increase the processor speed mobile peranti such Pdaphone not increase the processor speed to your PC or notebook. But when talk concerning the performance, the processor into one of the components that affect the performance of a PDA. Nah, for this if you already gregetan with the performance of your PDA is slow, Pdaphone's called the Asus P565 feasible. By using the Marvell processor speed 800MHz, Pdaphone P565 is the best processor at this time. As a benchmark, usually another PDA range in number 500-600MHz.

Combined with the available memory, the P565 is equipped with a weight while running applications. However, we will be more interesting if Asus install a larger memory specifications of the default form of Flash ROM 256MB and 128MB SDRAM. Operating systems are still using Windows Mobile 6.1. Given that a newer version already out, it will be better if Asus provides afdol upgrade to version 6.5.

Asus GPS facilities include the P565. Accuracy is quite good; help presumably by SiRFStar III chipset that is known for reliable and affairs GPS GPS Catcher download the information so that satellites can be tracked more quickly. Also added a number of applications by Asus, the Asus looks Zip, Backup, Jetcet PDF 5, Meeting Time Planner, Newstation, Remote Calendar, Remote Desktop, WorldCard Mobile, and work as assistants. Meanwhile, look for entertainment EziMusic, EziPhoto, Streaming Player, & Flicker and YouTube. In addition to GPS, Asus P565 provides 3G and WiFi to connect to the internet. When we try, setting the service directly identified P565.

P565 own body size nearly the same as the P552W we cover in the earlier edition; P565 only 2mm thicker than the P552W. However, this slight difference was sizable impact on the large overall, the P565 postures seemed so much more bongsor.

Like P552w, P565 using glide UI Gester with it. Gester is the navigation in the virtual screen to control the direction and operation of the application of the screen with just one simple movement. Gester be regarded important; remember all of the interface that fit in the Asus peranti touch screen control requires adequate. Asus also include the Multi-Home and Anytime Launcher. To our observation, there is no difference between that used in the P565 with the P552W. Just enough to remind, Multi-Home is a home screen that can be selected according to mood; accessed from the triangle-like icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. Meanwhile, Anytime Launcher is enabled with the push button-like image of Windows; located between the Call button and navigation.

Very rare processor be considered when buying a Pdaphone. However, if you will work with many applications "heavy", harmless start familiarize themselves weighing spefikasi hardware. For now, Asus P565 can be said is the best option that we can get. Not only the performance, appearance is okay.

Plus : fast Prosesor; fast GPS and accurate

Minus : Body, fast to be dirty

Make Powerfull Your Mobility With Hp Pavilion Dv4 Notebook

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An HP logo that lights up when you turn on the PC, it is make it perfect for you. If you are pfofesional, you will select this product.

Hp Pavilion Dv4 is perfect for multimedia too. Optional flush glass for a frameless look (select the Infinity Display option) will make you different. The latest Intel Centrino processor technology (dual core1), for intense multimedia will make it number one for multimedia. Fast performance with powerful Nvidia graphics options has ad this make a product from hp is know about all you need.

What about entertainment for your profile? with hp pavilion dv4 you can Enjoy everything-in-one entertainment, with hours recorded TV, photos, movies, music, and more, wherever you roam. With Built-in Wi-Fi2, a low-light webcam, and digital microphones, MediaSmart software, which puts your digital world at your fingertips with quick access to photo albums, movies, and music. An HDMI 1.3 port, which connects your notebook PC to an external monitor or HD TV3, you be looked as professional in your job with this product supported.

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If you are with power full mobility, you really need this product to support for your all activity.

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